Graduates of the programme will be able to fill the position of:
- Researcher, able to perform basic and applied research as well as write scientific reports.
- To become a teacher, graduates need to undertake a professional training to obtain a PPG certificate issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Staff in industry or government agencies, able to perform specific tasks according to their position.
- Entrepreneur, able to start and develop business enterprises.
- Post-graduate student, able to undertake advanced studies for pursuing careers at universities or research institutions, for example as lecturers or scientists.
Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Within five years of graduation, graduates of the programme will:
- Have the knowledge of and technical skills in industrial biotechnology and the ability to use these competencies to address industrial biotechnology problems in a wide range of industries including (but not limited to) food, feed, pharmaceutical, chemical, material, and energy industries.
- Have professional aptitude: the ability to communicate effectively, work in teams, and lead under pressure; uphold professionalism ethics; and be responsible.
- Have the ability to develop oneself into a lifelong learner to face future challenges.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successful completion of the programme, graduates will:
ILO1. Have acquired the foundational knowledge of mathematics and statistics and understand their relevance to industrial biotechnology.
ILO2. Have acquired the foundational knowledge of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and understand their relevance to industrial biotechnology.
ILO3. Have acquired the foundational knowledge of biotechnology and microbiology.
ILO4. Have sound knowledge of biomass as a resource and biological systems (molecules, cells, tissues, and organisms) as agents for making bioproducts.
ILO5. Have sound knowledge of biomass-to-bioproducts conversion processes (physical, chemical, and biological) on a lab, pilot, and an industrial scale.
ILO6. Have sound knowledge of industrial biotechnology products and services.
ILO7. Have acquired technical knowledge and proficiency in lab skills that support work in industrial biotechnology.
ILO8. Have acquired proficiency in transferable skills (research, entrepreneurial, social, and interpersonal skills).
ILO9. Demonstrate the aptitude for a lifelong professional and personal development.