
Doctoral Food Science Program (DFS) has been operating since August 2017 through the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 448/KPT/I/2017 dated 21 August 2017. DFS is under the Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP). The forerunner of DFS started from the doctoral program interested in Agricultural Product Technology (THP) under the UB Postgraduate Program in the 1995-1996 academic year. Furthermore, in 2006 the Doctoral Study Program with interest in THP under the Study Program of Agricultural Sciences, Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Agriculture and until 2017 has graduated 46 doctors with interest in THP.

In 2015, THP’s interest changed to Interest in Food Science and is under the auspices of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Doctoral Program, Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, FTP UB. Given the importance of food science in local food development to support Indonesia’s food security and supported by quality human resources, facilities and infrastructure at the THP Department, in 2016 the THP Department submitted a proposal to open a food science doctoral study program to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. After a visitation and verification of the proposal by the Team from the Director of Higher Education Institutional Development on 11-12 April 2017, the permission to establish DFS was issued in August 2017.